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Tarot Readings

    How it works

    I use Fairy Tarot cards. They came to me of their own accord, One sunny day, I found them: a full untouched deck was left on the sidewalk in one of those fancy Brooklyn neighborhoods. I have used them to connect to my intuition for years and finally ventured out to share the gift with others.

    These cards are very light-hearted and positive. I use my cards to help you connect to your higher Self, your intuition, and your spiritual team. Questions that, when answered, would clarify your life situations, which paths to take, figure out who to trust, and what to learn are the ones that I welcome.

    The session can last anywhere from 15min to 1 hour, need-based. Email to book. 


    Send me a message and let's see if I can help.

    Share your experience with us
    Please rate your overall satisfaction with your reading
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    Thanks for sharing!

    Alisa, NYC

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    Svetlana, FL

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    Kylee, United States

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    Kellen, Charlotte, SC

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    Oksana, NY, NY

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    Cheryl, RI

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